
Monday, June 24, 2019


14:00 - 14:15

Welcome (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie)

Michel Guidal, Director of IPNO



14:15 - 14:30


Silvia Lenzi




Session 1 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - S. Lenzi (INFN Padova)



14:30 - 15:00

› Ab initio calculations of the potential bubble nucleus 34Si duguet_nuspin2019.pptx

Thomas Duguet, CEA/IRFU/SPhN


15:00 - 15:30

› In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy at the RIBF:latest results and future plans wimmer_nuspin19.pdf

Kathrin Wimmer, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break




Session 2 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - F. Ibrahim (IPNO)



16:00 - 16:30

› Highlights of the nu-ball campaign at ALTO

Jonathan Wilson, Institut de Physique Nucléaire dÓrsay


16:30 - 17:00

› Highlights from the 2nd GRETINA Campaign at ATLAS Gretina_at_ATLAS_NuSpin2019.pptx

Michael Carpenter, Argonne National Laboratory [Lemont]


17:00 - 17:30

› Gamma-ray spectroscopy employing JUROGAM 3 and MARA – in-beam NuSpin_2019_Ruotsalainen.pdf

studies of N ≈ Z nuclei at JYFL

Panu Ruotsalainen, University of Jyväskylä


18:00 - 20:00

Cocktail (Cafeteria of IPNO)




Tuesday, June 25, 2019



Session 3 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - A. Korichi (CSNSM)



09:00 - 09:30

› Laser spectroscopy at the IGISOL: recent physics highlights and future plans NUSPIN_rdg.pdf

Ruben de Groote, University of Jyväskylä


09:30 - 10:00

› γ−ray spectroscopy far from stability with MINIBALL – Beginning of the HIE-ISOLDE era NUSPIN2019_Reiter.pptCERN_VIDEO_2017_025_001_720p_1.mp4

Peter Reiter, Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne


10:00 - 10:30

› Highlights from the CAGRA campaigns at RCNP CAGRA_NuSpin2019.pptx

Michael Carpenter, Argonne National Laboratory [Lemont]


10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break




Session 4 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - C. Michelagnoli (ILL)



11:00 - 11:20

› Internal Conversion Electron Spectroscopy nuspin_marchini.pdf

Naomi Marchini, camerino university, INFN Sezione di Firenze


11:20 - 11:50

› Evidence for far-beyond-neutron-threshold structure effects in 78Ni region from beta decay NUSPIN2019_verney.pptx

David Verney, Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay


11:50 - 12:20

› The ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer – First measurements NuSpin_2019_Sharp_edit.pdf

David Sharp, The University of Manchester


12:20 - 14:00





Session 5 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - M. Gorska (GSI)



14:00 - 14:30

› Nuclear Energy Density Functionals focused on spin-isospin excitations and the nuclear NUSPIN2019_gc.pptx

equation of state

Gianluca Colò, University of Milano and INFN


14:30 - 14:50

› Mirror Energy Difference in sd-shell nuspin_Testov.pdf

Dmitry Testov, INFN of Padova/University of Padova


14:50 - 15:10

› Shell-model progress around 132Sn mass region Naidja_nuspin.pdf

Houda Naidja, Université de Constantine 1


15:10 - 15:30

› Polarex, a facility for on-line nuclear orientation at Alto : Multipolarity mixing ratio results Nuspin_thoer_polarex.pdf

Remy Thoer, CSNSM


15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break




Session 6 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - M. Carpenter (ANL)



16:00 - 16:30

› Multi-nucleon transfer reactions for studies of heavy neutron-rich nuclei NuspinJeven.pptx

Julia Even, University of Groningen, KVI-CART


16:30 - 17:00

› Recent shell-model studies of nuclear structure and applications to radiative neutron capture nuspin_Sieja.pdf

Kamila Sieja, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien


17:00 - 17:30

› Updated Summation Method Model and New Prediction for the Reactor Antineutrino Nuspin_Fallot.pdf

Detected Flux and Energy Spectrum

Muriel Fallot, Subatech



Wednesday, June 26, 2019



Session 7 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - J. Ljungvall (CSNSM)



09:00 - 09:30

› Direct lifetime measurements of excited states in 136Te and 138Te

Victoria Vedia, , Universidad Complutense, Madrid


09:30 - 10:00

› Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Experiments with Rare-Isotope Beams and

Highly-Efficient Arrays at TRIUMF-ISAC

Corina Andreoiu, Simon Fraser University


10:00 - 10:20

› Seniority Conservation along N=50: the neutron-magic 90Zr, 92Mo, 94Ru nuclei Nuspin_2019_RosaPerez.pdf

Rosa Maria Pérez-Vidal, Instituto de Físisca Corpuscular, CSIC-UV


10:20 - 10:40

› Lifetime Measurements in the Even-Even 104-108Cd Siciliano_NUSPIN2019_LifetimeCd.pdf

Marco Siciliano, CEA-Saclay


10:40 - 11:10

Coffee break




Session 8 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - F. Recchia (INFN Padova)



11:10 - 11:30

› Evolution of nuclear structure along the As isotopic chain

Kseniia Rezynkina, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien


11:30 - 12:00

› Gamma-ray spectroscopy at a neutron beam: the latest news from ILL CMichelagnoli_NUSPIN19.pptx

Caterina Michelagnoli, ILL


12:00 - 12:30

› High-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy at Legnaro National Laboratories:

the road to SPES nuspin_galileo_2019_main.pdf

Daniele MENGONI, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro


12:30 - 14:00





WG meetings  (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie)



14:00 - 14:10


Daniele Mengoni



14:10 - 14:30

Charge-exchange reaction studies combined with high-resolution γ-ray spectroscopy for

astrophysical applications (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) noji_nuspin.pdf

Shumpei Noji (NSCL)



14:30 - 14:50

LUNA: Underground laboratory to study primordial and stellar nucleosynthesis using particle

and gamma detectors (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) NUSPIN_Piatti.pdf

Denise Piatti (INFN Padova)



14:50 - 15:30

Transfer reactions for explosive nuclear astrophysics

Gavin Lotay (University of Surrey)



15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break



16:00 - 16:40

Nuclear astrophysics with TAS (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) NUSPIN2019_VG.pdf

Victor Guadilla (Subatech, Nantes)



16:40 - 17:10

PANDORA: an experiment for measuring nuclear beta decays of astrophysical interest

in magnetized plasmas pandora_nuspin2019.pptx

Domenico Santonocito (INFN-LNS)



17:10 - 18:00

General discussion



19:30 - 23:00

Dinner (Bouillon Racine (Paris))





Thursday, June 27, 2019



Session 9 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - D. Rudolph (Lund University)



09:30 - 10:00

› Measurement of isomeric states at the FRS Ion Catcher TDickel_Seminar_NUSPIN_1.pptx

Timo Dickel, Centre for Heavy Ion Research


10:00 - 10:30

› Measurement of E1 states in neutron rich Fe isotopes with PRESPEC Nuspin2019_OW_SEND_1.pdf

Oliver Wieland, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare [Milano]


10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break




AGATA (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - W. Korten (CEA)



11:00 - 11:30

› Isospin Symmetry of the A=46 T=1 triplet studied with AGATA Bentley_Nupsin2019.pdf

Michael Bentley, University of York [York, UK]


11:30 - 12:00

› Status and perspectives of AGATA NUSPIN19_AGATA_Reiter.pptx

Peter Reiter, Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne


12:00 - 12:30

› Perspectives of the AGATA Project: Towards a 4pi Array Gadea_AGATA_Phase2_NUSPIN2019_V2.pdf

Andres Gadea, Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC-UV


12:30 - 14:00





AGATA 1 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - P. Nolan (University of Liverpool)



14:00 - 14:30

› Highlights from the AGATA campaign at GANIL and future plans zsolt_nuspin_agata_at_ganil.pptx

Zsolt Podolyak, University of Surrey


14:30 - 14:50

› Shape transition in the neutron-rich W isotopes PhilippJohnvortrag_NUSPIN_ORSAY.pdf

Philipp Rudolf John, Institut für Kernphysik [Darmstadt]


14:50 - 15:10

› Status of the experiment E676@GANIL: Lifetime measurements of excited states in

neutron-rich C and O isotopes as a test of the three-body forces Nuspin_Ciemala_final.pptx

Michal Ciemala, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN


15:10 - 15:30

› Report on the AGATA@GANIL experiment E661 Ranabir_NuSPIN_AGATA_2019.pdf

Ranabir Banik, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre


15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break




AGATA 2 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - S. Leoni (INFN - Milano)



16:00 - 16:20

› Transition probabilities in 52,54Ti: Evolution of the shell structure of neutron-rich

titanium isotopes - Alina Goldkuhle, Institute for nuclear physics, Cologne


16:20 - 16:40

› Progress of the 85Br spin-flip experiment S426 at PreSPEC Napiralla_NUSPIN19.pdf

Philipp Napiralla, Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt, GSI


16:40 - 17:00

› Report on the AGATA@GANIL experiment E699 Cortes_Nuspin19_2_.pdf

Martha Liliana Cortes, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro


17:00 - 17:20

› Spectroscopy of C, N, O, F neutron-rich nuclei with AGATA+PARIS+VAMOS NUSPIN2019_Ziliani.pptx

Sara Ziliani, University of Milano and INFN


17:30 - 18:30

ACC meeting (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie)




Friday, June 28, 2019



AGATA 3 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - A. Lopez-Martens (CSNSM)



09:20 - 09:40

› Shape evolution in exotic neutron-rich nuclei around mass 100 ansari_Nuspin.pdf

Saba Ansari, CEA Saclay


09:40 - 10:00

› Nuclear Structure of Nuclei in the A = 70 Mass Region Enuspin_e731.ppt

Rafael Escudeiro, University of São Paulo


10:00 - 10:20

› Report on the E710 experiment NUSPIN_2019_GANILE710_FOUGERES.pdf

Fougères Chloé, Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds


10:20 - 10:50

Coffee break




AGATA 4 (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - P. Reiter (IKP, Köln)



10:50 - 11:10

› Shell evolution of neutron-deficient Xe isotopes and Octupole Correlations

above 100Sn: Status of the Analysis of the experiment performed with the

NEDA+NW+AGATA+DIAMANT set-up Nuspin_Jurado.pdf

María de la Luz Jurado Gómez, Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular


11:10 - 11:30

› Alpha cluster structures in 212Po: status of e693 data analysis Nuspin_A_Fernandez_2_.pdf

Alvaro Fernandez, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia


11:30 - 12:30

AGATA white book discussion (Auditorium Irène Joliot Curie) - W. Korten


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